Please note: This information should be made
available free to anyone or group affiliated with autism spectrum disorders. We
want to ensure that it is used to bring awareness to ASD and not for other
disorders, hence the photo on the cards. We would like to spread the association
of the jigsaw ribbon and ASD into Canada. It is already being used by some
autism society chapters in the United States.

The following materials are what you require:
Ribbon, pinking shears (scissors), mini glue gun and glue,
safety pins, one-hole punch (optional), yellow, blue and red spray paint (with a
gloss or varnished finish), 1000 piece puzzle pieces, autism awareness
information cards (laminating cards, optional).
The following steps will guide you through the ribbon
- Spray
paint puzzle pieces with glossy paint (Use cardboard boxes at least 6”
deep, lined with wax paper with shiny side up). Lay puzzle pieces side by
side, not overlapping. Spray
and let dry well, then spray same side again (both sides can be sprayed but
is not necessary, other side is covered when glued to ribbon).
Don’t spray too close to the puzzle pieces; otherwise the pressure
moves the pieces overtop each other. (The directions on the spray paint will
guide you through this process). They
should lift up easy after they have dried well.
Make sure they are dried completely before you glue to ribbon.
- Have
your autism awareness information sheet printed then laminated (optional),
and cut them with your pinking shears, and punch the hole, now they’re
ready to be attached to your ribbon (may just be pinned without hole
punched). If laminated, they can be used as a book-mark, otherwise you
don’t have to laminate them.
- Each
ribbon should be 6” long.
- We
cut a long strip of 48 in. and ran glue gun along edge and pressed it down.
Then we folded in half and cut in two 24 in. strips, then fold in half again
for 12 in. strips then again to get your 6 in. strips. It eliminates the
hassle of having to measure each 6 in. strip.
- Fold
it in half length-wise, ensuring puzzle side is up and glue along edge.
- Now
position the 6” strip so that the open edge of the loop is facing the back
(as in photo) and the folded edge is facing front. Use a drop of glue to
hold it in place. (Let dry)
- Now
use a drop of glue to put on the puzzle piece. 1000 piece puzzles are the
best size to use. Get them donated or at garage sales. (Let dry)
- Pierce
the safety pin to the back of the ribbon and attach to the autism awareness
information card.

BBB Autism is not responsible for information found on links or in books listed
4, 2002